연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (I)
발표장 302호
논문코드 1O11-15
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 17:10-17:25
논문제목 Understanding Swelling Hysteresis of Polymer Hydrogel upon Drying
발표자 송광호
발표자 소속 서강대학교 산학협력단
저자 송광호, 김정욱1,†
소속 서강대학교 산학협력단; 1서강대학교
논문초록 In this study, we seek to understand the phenomenon that we call “swelling hysteresis” of polymer hydrogels. When radical-polymerized hydrogels were dried and reswollen, we found that the equilibrium swelling ratios of reswollen hydrogels were substantially (0~50%) lower than those of initial hydrogels, depending on both polymerization and drying conditions (pregel composition, polymerization kinetics, dehydration level, time spent in dry condition). We used various methods (SS-NMR, FT-IR, MALDI-TOF, XPS, etc.) and confirmed that “swelling hysteresis” did not involve any chemical reaction during the drying process. Instead, we are currently finding various evidences using SAXS, TD-NMR, XPCS, and other measurements that “swelling hysteresis” originated from defect sites, specifically hyperbranched dangling chains created during the hydrogel formation, and their reptation into adjacent network during the drying process, which resulted in irreversible and permanent entanglements.